Saturday, October 3, 2015

ΕΘΝΙΚΑ ΘΕΜΑΤΑ-ΕΛΛΑΔΑ: Προκλητικός κατά της Ελλάδας ο Γκρούεφσκι στον ΟΗΕ: Είμαστε ‘Μακεδόνες’, μιλούμε ‘μακεδονικά’

ΕΘΝΙΚΑ ΘΕΜΑΤΑ-ΕΛΛΑΔΑ: Προκλητικός κατά της Ελλάδας ο Γκρούεφσκι στον ΟΗΕ: Είμαστε ‘Μακεδόνες’, μιλούμε ‘μακεδονικά’

 I really think that Mr. Gruevski and his comrades are insane, paranoid and schizophrenic to tell the people in the United Nations that his South Slavonian Slavic people are "Macedonians" and that they speak a Macedonian language while he knows as well as all of his comrades that the language they speak is a Serbo-Bulgarian language because the Macedonian language has always been the Greek language as there were no Slavs in that area for more than a thousand years after classic and historic Macedonia became a Roman province just all the other Greek city-States at that time.

An insane, paranoid and schizophrenic leader like Mr. Gruevski ought to know that only idiots, morons and imbeciles would believe his lies, deception, fraud and forgery to cover up the Macedonian Greek identity theft that he and his comrades illegally and illegitimately are using for themselves and their country although they have nothing in common with the Macedonian people of antiquity or those of the present day ones either by way of their land or their people who are South Slavonian Bulgarian renegade Slavs and their country was never Macedonia but Paeonia and Dardania.

 My big question regarding this matter would be where was Mr. Tsipras or any other high-ranking government official from Greece to respond to this idiot who seems to think that all other people may be idiots like himself to accept his absurd statement regarding his people or their language.

 Where were the Greeks to inform the people of the truth instead of letting Mr. Gruevski create a false, deceptive and fraudulent perception that happens to be Mr. Gruevski's specialty as well as the specialty of his South Slavonian Slav comrades.

 Where were the Greeks and why didn't they tell their story so that they would have put Mr. Gruevski to shame instead of letting him look triumphant with his lies, deception, fraud and forgery.   N.M.H.

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